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22nd January 2025 
Writing. Blog

Writing is a cathartic experience. In April of this year I received recognition from The Spanish Museum of Words. (Fundacion Cesar Egido Serrano Museo De La Palabra).
I have entered their Flash Fiction competition twice. The stories cannot exceed 100 words, maximum of two stories per Author.

Writers from anywhere in the world may participate, written in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, Arabic or Hebrew.
The Foundation's ethos, is that "the word is the tool of coexistence between different cultures, religions and ideologies".
The V Edition competition was opened last November under the motto: "The word bridging the gap between different cultures and religions".
Going back to the award, unfortunately not readable on the website, it reads: "Having demonstrated an admiration of the Spanish language to the Cesar Egido Serrano Foundation and the Museum of Words in the communications we have had in the last few years".

"The Museum of Words and the Cesar Egido Serrano Foundation would like to confirm you as this years's Ambassador of the Spanish language".

"For the honour and glory of the Spanish language from our beautiful country to all the world".

Writing. Ambassador of the Spanish word